Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9th-Bible Verse

Matthew 9:13 "Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners."

What on Earth does this mean?  Am I am man of mercy?  But...but...I want to be the man of steel... 

Seriously though, how do I live a life of mercy?  Christ calls me to forgive those who sin against me, 7x77 times or something like that, I feel like I can do that.  Its not easy, but sometimes my heart gets so hard against those that don't have, the destitute, the poor.  I don't want to give them my money, because I don't think they will spend it well.  I don't want to give them my time, because it might be wasted (in my opinion).  I feel like I try, but get no results.  It is easier to give up then to keep pushing on to the end. 
The kid at work, who after 100 times still doesn't listen, how do I love that child, when I get worked up that they aren't listening (read:: respecting) me. 
How do I love my wife, when she is late (again), do I have mercy or am I upset and let it show, trying to punish her in some childish way. 
How do I love my friends, when I want to hang out with them, but things don't work out.  Do I have mercy and keep trying, or do I give up and look for other friends?

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